Happy New Year! We sincerely appreciate you for reading our thoughts on the market. We hope this information has been useful.
Below, we have highlighted our top 3 most popular blog posts from 2017. Enjoy!!
The Bramshill Investments Team
Market Insights from Bramshill Investments: June was a fairly benign month for the Bramshill Income Performance Strategy. The Strategy returned -0.08% in June, bringing our year to date return in the Income Performance Strategy to +1.52% net.
Most fixed income asset classes were slightly positive on the month, however, there are numerous crosscurrents in the market as the result of recent mixed economic data and market expectations of potential Federal Reserve rate hikes later this year. In addition, uncertainty around the unwind of the Fed’s balance sheet presents a warning sign for fixed income investors in the coming months. Therefore, the portfolio is positioned defensively with regard to interest rates.
FLATTENING YIELD CURVE: RECESSION SIGNAL OR FALSE FLAG? WHY WE’RE WATCHING FINANCIALSSome market participants have expressed concern about the flattening yield curve. They have noticed the flattening occurring in the U.S. Treasury yield curve and have proclaimed that a recession is on the way. This has sparked a very interesting debate surrounding the causes of the flattening curve – is it due to the actions of the Federal Reserve and global central banks or is it the result of supply/demand dynamics in the marketplace? The correct answer will highly influence how the flat curve signal should be interpreted; will history have precedent or is it different this time (cringing as we write that statement)?
On our Q1 2017 Bramshill Investments quarterly conference call, an investor asked:
Q: Are you getting more alpha from the calls you’re making on a particular asset class versus the credit work that you’re doing on an individual issue?